Monday, December 3, 2007

Assessing Learning Environments

There are many tools one can use to assess the learning environment but the two useful instruments are: Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and What is Happening in this Classroom (WIHIC). The scales classified according to Moo's Scheme are from three areas: Relationship dimensions, Personal development dimensions and System maintenance and change dimensions. All these three areas must be coherent so that assessment will be valid.

The hands-on on different theories on papers done by researchers was refreshing. This gave me an idea of what was prescribed then, for example, Henry A. Murray in the 1930's on power, affiliation and achievement is further developed and expanded by other researchers such as Moo as he developed on the schema and we can determine which instruments we want to use. I also learnt that students must be our focus. As teachers, we must create a learning environment where students understand what that has been taught. The old method of chalk-and talk could be deemed obsolete if the whole session is focused on the teacher talking. In didatic teaching, I personally feel that students become passive and the teacher is the one who is sharpening her skills day in and out. Hence, I would recommend that different teaching methodologies and cooperative learning strategies to be used, where the students become engaged in their own learning giving feedback and contribute to the learning circle. In this changing world, students must be taught to take onus of their own learning. And as for assessment, there are many tools can be used to find out whether learning has taken place effectively such as the QTI and WIHIC.

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