Monday, December 3, 2007

Key concepts about Learning Environment:
Conducive Learning physical environment (social setting) must fit the child's background he comes from: students needs, attitude, physio-social, assessment, attitude, cognitive development, community and others.

What to assess in LE:
Physical: Seating arrangement, noise level, space provision for movement and work, ventilation, rewource provision
Students: Working in groups/individually, stud behaviour toweards each other, group sizes and composition, student concentration
Social: Teacher's modes of instruction, teacher's acceptance/rejection, types of educational tasks required, types of activities.
These are good points to take into account when assessing the Learning Environment as the environment must be looked in totality which means not only the physical environment but the students and the teachers interaction do play a crucial part.

Inter-relationship between Lewinian's formula and Murray's meeds-press model
Learning environment can affect the child whether positive or negative.

  • One can engage a group of people (participants like our pupils) form the Beta press, they have been in the environment for some time to assess the environment.
  • The other group the Alpha press (assess and exerts), eg, climate survey, the detached observer summarises the survey. Quantitative measure - sample size 30 people; otherwise does not show the result, go for four-point scale instead of five-point scale. The instuments are found in the supplement of the handout. Qualitative measure - even one is enough (just follow the journal).
Some important names to remember :
1930: Murray and Lewin and Theary
1950: Walberg (1968) & Moo's (1968) developed Learning Environment
Inventory (LEI) for Harvard Project Physics.
1960/70: Frazer and Fisher
I find this lecture interesting and relevant. As a teacher, I have to make the classroom environment fit into the student's needs and background he comes from. I must ensure that learning takes place in the classroom. I can use different survey modes to get feedback form the students.

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