Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reflections of the first day

On the first day the following is what have I learnt:
- How the theory on Learning Environment was developed from 1930 to 1990 and different people involved.
- In our own groups, we researched on Henry A Murray. His work was focused on personaltiy test. He focused on basic needs in personality which he called psychogenic needs. From the 27 traits, he picked up the three important traits; Power, Affiliation and Achievement.
- The different modes of assessment such as WIHIC and QTI are the most useful modes of assessment to use and they come in prefered and actual form.
- These information is important in our Future Schools, where there must be student engagement in Learning and there must be Knowledge Construction taking place in each of the students where each learner must be actively involved in learning.
- One thing I need to research is Flexible Learning Environment.

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